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发布日期:2024-09-18 作者: 来源: 点击:


姓名: 张韵


所在系所: 金属材料系

职称: 资格副教授











第三届先进镁合金青年科学家论坛组委会、最镁未来之星论坛召集人;Journal of Magnesium and AlloysActa Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters)Journal of Materials Research and Technology等期刊审稿人




1 高性能镁合金开发、组织性能调控及应用

2 钢铁材料研发及调控

3 金属材料疲劳腐蚀等应用服役行为


A 代表性论著

[1] 江海涛, 张韵(副主编). 变形镁合金塑性加工及组织性能的理论基础, 2023, 化学工业出版社. ISBN: 978-7-122-42430-3

[2] Yun Zhang, Chen Jiang, Shaoheng Sun, et al. Microstructural evolution during tensile deformation in TRC-ZA21 magnesium alloy with different loading directions and strain rates. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 2023, 36: 192-214.

[3] Yun Zhang, Chen Jiang, Quan Yang, et al. Orientation behavior in TRC-ZA21 magnesium alloy with fine grain during nano-indentation process. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2022, 846: 143252

[4] Yun Zhang, Haitao Jiang, Shihong Wang, et al. Simultaneous improvements in strength and formability of modified Mg-2Zn alloys by alloying addition and twin-roll casting process. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2021, 804: 140566.

[5] Yun Zhang, Haitao Jiang, Qiang Kang, et al. Microstructure evolution and mechanical property of Mg-3Al alloys with addition of Ca and Gd during rolling and annealing process. Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 2020, 8(3): 769-779.

[6] Yun Zhang, Haitao Jiang, Yujiao Wang, et al. Effects of second-phase particles on microstructure evolution in Mg-2Zn based magnesium alloys during annealing treatment. Metals, 2020, 10(6): 777.

[7] Yun Zhang, Haitao Jiang, Yujiao Wang, et al. Effects of alloying addition and twin-roll casting process on Mg-2Zn based-alloys with high strength and high formability. Materials Research Express, 2019, 6: 086576.

[8] Feida Chen, Haitao Jiang, Yun Zhang*, et al. First-principles calculation of bonding and hydrogen trapping mechanism of Fe3C/α-Fe interface. Journal of Materials Research & Technology, 2023, 26: 6782-6793.

[9] Chen Jiang, Mai Wang, Yun Zhang*, et al. Fatigue crack initiation and competitive crack propagation behavior in 500 MPa grade automobile steel. Journal of Materials Research & Technology, 2023, 24: 2595-2610.

[10] Yujiao Wang, Yun Zhang*, Haitao Jiang. Tension-compression asymmetry and corresponding deformation mechanism in ZA21 magnesium bar with bimodal grained structure. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials,2023, 30(1): 92-103.

[11] Shiwei Tian, Anrui He, Jianhua Liu, Yun Zhang*, et al. Investigation of the thermal shock behavior of Mo-containing TiAl alloys. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2022, 24(3): 2100884.

[12] Yujiao Wang, Yun Zhang*, Haitao Jiang, et al. Corrosion behavior of Ca and Y micro-alloyed Mg-2Zn-1Al alloy. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2022, 51(8): 2777-2784.

[13] Yujiao Wang, Yun Zhang*, Haitao Jiang. Effect of grain size uniformity and crystallographic orientation on the corrosion behavior of Mg-2Zn-1Al bar. Materials Characterization, 2021, 179: 111374.

[14] Yujiao Wang, Yun Zhang*, Haitao Jiang, et al. Anisotropy deformation behaviour of extruded Mg-2Zn-Al-0.2Ca-0.2Mn-0.2Gd (wt.%) bar with bimodal structure. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021: 012068.

B 专利及标准

[1] Jiang Haitao, Qiang Kang, Yun Zhang, et al. Calcium-bearing magnesium and rare earth element alloy and method for manufacturing the same. US2020017939A1/WO2018132134A1

[2] 江海涛,康强,张韵,刘鹏,董鹏,徐哲,柳超敏. 一种具有高室温成形性能含钙稀土镁合金板材及制备方法. 中国发明专利, ZL201710020396.X

[3] 江海涛,康强,刘鹏,董鹏,张韵. 一种具有良好室温成形性的变形镁合金板材及其制备方法. 中国发明专利, ZL201710021425.4

[4] 张韵,李震宙. 一种新型高炉均压煤气处理装置. 中国发明专利, CN109439829A

[5] 李震宙,张韵. 一种高炉休复风用烟气处理装置. 中国发明专利, CN109439828A

[6] 江海涛, 田世伟, 王利刚, …, 张韵, … 汽车用铝及铝合金搅拌摩擦焊技术条件. 行业标准, 中国汽车工程学会, T/CSAE 202-2021.

C 科研项目

[1] 中国博士后科学基金委,中国博士后面上基金,2021M700378,基于双峰组织的镁合金组织调控及强韧化机理研究,2022.01~2023.12,结题,主持

[2] 国家自然科学基金委,国家自然科学基金面上项目,52275305,细晶镁合金板晶间协调变形诱发晶界损伤机制及断裂预测,2023.01~2026.12,在研,参与

[3] 科技部,国家重点研发计划,超高强度钢汽车零部件成形与应用关键共性技术,2016YFB01016052016.07~2020.12,结题,参与

[4] 波音公司,国际合作项目,Flame resistance and corrosion resistance improvement of Mg sheets for Non-structure application of commercial airplane2019.09~2020.10,结题,技术负责

[5] 波音公司,国际合作项目,Production of Mg sheet at industrial environment to stabilize and improve its performance2018.06~2019.05,结题,技术负责

[6] 波音公司,国际合作项目,Pilot scale production of Mg sheet/plate for non-structure application of commercial airplanes2017.03~2018.02,结题,技术负责

[7] 波音公司,国际合作项目,RT formability and fracture toughness improvement for magnesium alloys with balanced performance2015.09~2016.08,结题,技术负责

[8] 北京科技大学,中央高校基本业务费,镁合金板材塑性变形的取向行为研究,2020.12~2022.11,结题,技术负责

[9] 新余钢铁,产学研合作项目,系列高品质搪瓷用钢带关键技术研究与应用,2022.09~2024.06,结题,技术负责

[10] 马鞍山钢铁,产学研合作项目,热轧集控项目-热轧带钢超密集冷却-合金减量化,2020.09~2021.11,结题,技术负责

[11] 德龙钢铁,产学研合作项目,中宽带表面氧化铁皮缺陷控制,2020.11~2021.11,结题,技术负责